Reservation Form

Monday, October 27, 2008


We Have Found Approx 38/138 Classmates. The list below is from the 1984 Yearbook and memories. If you see that we have made mistakes or if you notice someone needs to be added (or deleted) please leave a comment. If you have an address or contact info for yourself or someone else leave a comment! (e.g., Black=Missing & Red=Found).

  1. Amber Anderson

  2. Anthony Aquila

  3. Ross Archer

  4. J Don Arnold

  5. Rachael Bark (West)

  6. Stephanie Beedle

  7. Gwen Benally (Cody)

  8. Edith Bennett

  9. Michelle Berrier

  10. Nelson Black

  11. Yvonne Blanchard (Jessop)

  12. Mike Bond

  13. Stanley Boone

  14. Harold Brockie

  15. April Brown (Einspahr)

  16. Karlyn Bunting

  17. Lynn Burton

  18. Sharla Byrd (Sanderson)

  19. Ron Cates

  20. Leroy Catron

  21. Laveen Chee

  22. Verna Clark

  23. Julie Cloutier

  24. Jackie Cooper (Kuzia)

  25. Athur Crane

  26. Laverne Curley

  27. Leonard Curley

  28. Karin Denney

  29. Laurie Diamond (R.I.P)

  30. Becky Dickens

  31. Jaque Donn (Malone)

  32. Kathy Donavon

  33. Licia Durham

  34. Gilbert Elliot

  35. Melivin Endischee

  36. Lynne Ericsson

  37. Lisa Etcitty

  38. Janet Fawcett

  39. Kim Finsterwald (Bennett)

  40. Richard Fowler

  41. Vonda Giffen (Simmons)

  42. Russ Gladu (R.I.P)

  43. Mark Gray

  44. Charmian Hall

  45. Darren Hammond

  46. Tim Harrison

  47. Fred Hatathlie

  48. Benson Henry

  49. Cheryl Henry

  50. Connie Hiatt

  51. Kim Higley

  52. Mike Holcomb

  53. Heidi Honaker (Hanson)

  54. Tim Howell

  55. Jenny Hudson

  56. Tammy Hurd

  57. Lief Jacobson

  58. Darrel Johnson

  59. Ken Jones

  60. Kaylene June

  61. Tracey Junior (Webb)

  62. Barbara Kennelly

  63. Frank Kramer

  64. Diane Lane

  65. Carole Langworthy

  66. Scott Larson

  67. Leanna Leach

  68. Julia Lewis

  69. Wendy Macdonald

  70. Verna Manheimer

  71. Becky Mann

  72. Modesta Mann

  73. Stella Manymules

  74. David Marquis

  75. Alberta Martin

  76. Jennifer Maul

  77. Julia Moil (Gruetzemacher)

  78. Amy Montoya (Simmons)

  79. Yvette Moreno

  80. Darlene Mosier (Larkins)

  81. Johnny Newcomb

  82. Emma Nez

  83. Julia Nez

  84. Jared Nielson

  85. Lucinda Nimrod

  86. Michelle Oliver

  87. Kari Parks (Koyle)

  88. Errol Peak

  89. Kimberli Penrod (Rivera)

  90. Tim Phillips

  91. Shayne Pierce

  92. Patty Pitts

  93. Duane Plotts

  94. Deanne Rankin

  95. ReNae Reed

  96. Rose Reed

  97. Carol Riggs

  98. Lisa Rosepiler

  99. Dale Rust

  100. Virgil Sage

  101. Lisa Sanderson

  102. Raleigh Sanderson

  103. Cristina Sousa

  104. Tom Schwartz

  105. Dixie Seeley

  106. Madeline Seschillie

  107. Jeff Sharp

  108. Lafrena Shorty

  109. Craig Simmons

  110. Shelly Sisk

  111. Kenny Slavens

  112. Leroy Sloan

  113. Rita Sloan

  114. Ella Smith

  115. Sarah Talker

  116. Maxine Tallman

  117. Houston Terrin

  118. Gina Thomas

  119. Dawn Totten

  120. Nancy Tower

  121. Josie Tracy (Bennett)

  122. Sharon Tsinigine

  123. Henery Tsinnijinnie

  124. Hermina Tso (R.I.P)

  125. Steven Tso

  126. Valeta Tsosie (Boutang)

  127. Evelyn Tullie

  128. Mike Vest

  129. Melanie Waldman

  130. Keith Webb

  131. Christina West

  132. Launi Wheeler

  133. Rose Whitehair

  134. Ethel Whitehorse

  135. Bannie Whiterock

  136. Phillip Wicklund

  137. Leander Williams

  138. George Yellowman


Anonymous said...

Josie Tracy
my mom also spotted amy montoya simmons working at one of the fast food places down by the old walmart. jack in the box i think. also julie cloutier used to be active on classmates, although i havnt checked recently.

Anonymous said...

Josie Tracy Bennett- a little more info. hope it helps.
phillip wicklunds brother Lee is active on classmates, i think he might supply his brothers info, also houstin terrin is new and active, valeta tsosie is/was married to todd boutang. and i think he is new and active also. craig simmons works at his dads shop over by the elks lodge. i think they repair boats or altenators, and i think his brother works with him and his brother is or was married to vonda giffen. and i know that doris moil was just in contact with my sister joan tracy gibson. check her profile for doris info. on a sadder note...i cant believe how many friends have passed away. anyways hope some of this info helps.

Anonymous said...

Hey This is Sherri Simpson Class of 85. Yvonne Blanchard is Yvonne Jessop. Last time I saw her she was in Monmouth, OR (by Salem)
721 Powell St E
Monmouth, OR 97361
(503) 838-4083

Anonymous said...

valeta tsosie is still married to todd boutang and living in lasvegas our oldest daughter is teaching school in page we are both intrested in a reunion.

JCK said...

Thanks for the updates!!!
I know many people are still on classmates....however we are trying to get more people to join Facebook. It's free..not everyone can afford to sign up for Classmates Gold. So you if are in contact with anyone and would like to sign up to Facebook.. please do so. There is also a group page on there for the multi class reunion reunion. Hopefully soon, more people will start posting ideas, suggestions and more contact info on the page!! If you haven't signed up... please do so!! :)
Thanks again for all the update. Everything is appreciated!!

Anonymous said...

Raleigh here. I'm on facebook now. Looking forward to the reunion. Will be coming up from Tempe.