Reservation Form

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Are We Having A Reunion? Hello. This blog is to post information so that we can reach as many classmates as possible for the 20th Reunion. If you know where someone is located please post or add a comment. The idea of this blog is to share the work of figuring out how to get a hold of people for the 20th Reunion which will occur in 2006. If you would like to be able to post (instead of just comment) let me know and I can turn that feature on for you.

My family and I live in North Logan, Utah where I am Realtor. My wife Keely and I have eight children (3 Boys & 5 Girls).

I hear from Tony Sorensen and Terry Smith from time to time.


Brady Pierce
2640 Aspen Park Lane
North Logan, UT 84341

(435) 787-8351

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brady. Great job with the blog. Let me know how to do the posting thing. You can email me at