Reservation Form

Sunday, October 23, 2005


"Hi everybody...After numerous failed attempts, I have been humbled beyond belief that I can't do this blogging thing! So - I only teach Kindergarten. Is that a good excuse? Anyway - yes, I am in my 13th year here in the west valley teaching K and loving every minute of it.

I am married with a darling 3 year old princess and 2 older step sons. One is in the Air Force, stationed in Afghanistan right now. The other is in the Army and will be going to Iraq in the winter. He has a wife and baby. So - yes, put 2 and 2 together - your youngest class member is also a grandma (BUT - by MARRIAGE only)!!!

What else? We love doing family stuff and spend most of our free time at church. We're both on the board, and my husband went back to school at Phoenix Seminary after retiring from the Marines after a long dedicated 20-year career. It is very inspiring to see him doing this on faith after so many years of not doing the school thing.

My Page family is doing well. My dad is retired and now busier than ever. My mom is working 3 jobs and loving it. They also take care of my grandma now. She still gets around well and was able to go with us to Disneyland over the fall break. My sister, Julie, lives in Tucson and drives for SW Ambulance and works at Tony Romas.

Other past tidbits: graduated with a business degree from UofA (go Wildcats!), lived in WA state for awhile with my 1st husband, Erik (who was at 10 yr reunion), worked in medical admin up there, went back to school at UW for teaching certificate, moved back to AZ, got master's degree in education, lived all over the valley of the sun, was a foster mom for 4 years to 10 children ...........and here comes the happily ever after! (see paragraph 2!!!) Whew! I am completely enjoying this calm part of life!

Can't wait to see ya'll! If you haven't been back, be prepared for the lake to look WAY different! We go up every summer at least a couple of times ... and it has been pretty low. Ok - that is way enough. Thanks for reading this far. Above is a picture of my family on Mother's Day 2005.

Lori Britt
Goodyear, AZ"

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